Angels in the Sky

Contributed by : Amy + Tim Laiken
Object # 2127
April 7, 2011
Chicago hosted a program titled, “The Triangle Tragedy at 100 and the Importance of Workers’ Rights” in commemoration of the fire’s centennial. Held at Roosevelt University’s Gage Gallery on April 7, 2011, it coincided with an exhibit there of photos of working people by the late Milton Rogovin.
Erik Gellman, Assistant Professor of history at Roosevelt, welcomed those in attendance. Participants were: Ramiro Rodriguez and Anne McGravie, who read poems about the fire; Jo Ann E. Argersinger, author of “The Triangle Fire: A Brief History With Documents,” who gave a presentation titled, “They Did Not Die in Vain: Women, Work, and the Triangle Fire;” Rima Lunin Schultz, who spoke about women fighting sweatshop conditions in the Chicago garment industry a century ago; Noel Beasley, Executive Vice President of Workers United; Jose Oliva, Policy Coordinator of Restaurant Opportunities Center; and Linda Rhodes of the American Society of Safety Engineers (also the Master of Ceremonies), who spoke about health and safety issues facing workers today, and how they are being addressed. A question and answer period followed.
– Amy + Tim Laiken