Cultural Response
The Waistmakers Opera

Cultural Response
Contributed by : LuLu LoLo
Object # 2547
June 4, 2018
This postcard announces the first full performance of my play “Soliloquy for a Seamstress: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire” in March of 2005, the 94th anniversary of the Triangle fire at the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum in Staten Island. The performance was sponsored by a grant made possible by New York State Senator Serphin Maltese whose Grandmother Caterina (age 39), Aunt Lucia (age 20), and Aunt Rosarea (age 14) died in the fire.
Courtesy of : LuLu LoLo
This play has a history. In 2001, I wrote and performed a one-person play: “LuLu LoLo Takes Her Hat Off to the Fair Sex—Unfair Victims” comprised of three scenes. In scene two, an Italian immigrant seamstress Sarafina Saracino shares drudgery and dreams with her younger sister unaware they are about to perish in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. In 2005, I wrote a one-act one-person play about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire incorporating the factory scene and adding five additional scenes with the characters of Mama Saracino and the eyewitness reporter William Gunn Shepherd.