Cultural Response
2005 Postcard for “Soliloquy for a Seamstress”

Cultural Response
Contributed by : Ryan Gilliam
Object # 2728
August 16, 2013
‘The Waistmakers’ Opera’ was produced by Downtown Art and performed outdoors at several sites, including the former Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. All the roles were performed by teen girls, ages 12-19. Performances took place in May 2010, September 2010, and finally, in March 2011 to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Triangle Factory Fire.
Performers: Lily Abedin, Ari Anderson, Alyssa Burgos, Lauren Burgos, Olivia Cabrera, Lena Feliciano Hansen, Michela Garabedian, Gal Gelbard, Izzy Jenkins, Jeanne Kessira, Alice Quinn-Makwaia, Claritza Quezada, Lindiana Timmons, Erin Simone Wells (2011), Mariana Quinn Makwaia (2010), Lili Gehorsam (2010), Doris Alcantara (2010), Isabella Sullivan (2010)
Musicians: Eli Greenhoe, Hans Bilger (2010), Zach Crumrine (2010), Gabi Acevedo (Sept 2010-2011), Matt Berger (2011), Michael Hickey