Politics + Activism
“We still mourn our loss”

Politics + Activism
Contributed by : Alice Ip
Object # 2272
c. 1990
Alice Ip and other workers involved in the 1982 ILGWU strike also joined APALA (the Asian-Pacific American Labor Alliance), and went to Washington D.C. to “fight [for] the worker’s right.” There continue to be former ILGWU Local 23-25 members active in CLUW (the Collation of Labor Union Women) and active in APALA; “we still keep [in] tight contact– anytime they call, like today, we come.”
Courtesy of : Alice Ip, photo by Gabrielle Bendiner-Viani
Are you a Triangle Fire or labor expert? Were you involved in the 1982 Chinatown Strike, the APALA or the ILGWU? Please get in touch to let us know if you’d like to contribute commentary for this object : openarchive [@] rememberthetrianglefire.org